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Donating Blood as a Family

#WomenWhoGiveBlood - Mdm Shamini Segaran

Mdm Shamini Segaran, 55, is a working mum who started giving blood again after a long hiatus. She has also encouraged her family members to join her in the journey of giving blood.

“Whoever can donate, must donate.”

What motivated you to give blood?

Actually, I have always embraced the philosophy that “whoever can donate, must donate” since I was young. My friend lost her brother because the family could not secure donors of his blood type who could save his life following an accident.

That incident prompted me to think about giving blood.

What made you stop giving blood and what made you motivated to come back to it again?

I stopped when I moved from Malaysia to Singapore as I was busy acclimatising to the new life in Singapore. My family was new as I was adjusting to married life. My husband used to donate blood regularly. During this time, I always thought that I should donate blood but never made the effort. This time, when a drive was held, I went and even roped in my daughter to come along because she just turned 18. I am encouraging her to start donating, and we can donate blood as a family.

“If so many people can donate, then it should be alright.”

Did you have any doubts about blood donation before and how did you overcome them?

Just the fear of the needle.

I have never had other fears beyond that because I thought, if so many people can donate, then it should be alright. If I donated for the first time, then I’ll know exactly how it is going to affect me.

How can people overcome their fear of the needle when it comes to giving blood?

I think I’ll tell them, ‘talk to my daughter!’ She was really afraid of the needle. However, after giving blood, she just said it was like an ant’s bite. I would say, give it a first shot and go for it!

Were there any memorable moments from donating blood?

I think the most memorable experience for me was when I went with my family to give blood for the very first time.

My husband used to donate on his own. Then my husband and son donated blood. Then, the whole family went together. It was very memorable because we broke the fear of needles in my daughter.

The best thing is? She was willing to donate. It was not a negative first experience for her, so that was the best thing that came out of the experience.

What was the most rewarding about your blood donation experience overall?

I think for me, it’s a personal feeling knowing that I may have saved somebody’s life, or met somebody’s needs. Personally, I feel good knowing that I did it.

What kept you going in giving blood? To know that giving blood is good for society and it costs nothing on my part. So why not?

“Think for others and realise that, if you can save somebody, why not?”

What would you like to say to encourage more people to step forward and donate blood?

Think of a situation where you are in need of blood, and you could not get it. Imagine being in a situation where you could not save a loved one, how would you feel?

When you think that way for others, you realise that if you can save someone, why not?

Keen to donate blood or organise a blood drive? Click here.

By Shayene Gilflores Winfred, Volunteer

Click here to view the full interview article on the Singapore Red Cross website!

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